Saturday, September 20, 2008
How weekend have changed !
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
The Other Side Of Pain--written by anonymous(meant for Only GSITS college CS Departmen)
This is dedicated to CS dept of GSITS...somebody has written very well about dear CHACHU of GS....
What could be the height of absurdity? Well, it's that indomitable maestro whose popularity continues to grow at an unprecedented rate. He is notorious for victimizing his students to the pandemic termed as 'incurable psychological torture'. His favorite pastime is creating paradoxical statements. Erratic behavior seems to have some ancestral relations with him. You may miss his pseudo-important four hour class just because you are late by few minutes with acceptance of awful humility and in the very same lecture you may even have a graceful invitation after 2 hours. Even after attending 85% of his lectures you may find your name in shortlist while the permanent absentees may have no problem at all. This full time energetic man puts his heart to explain his topic but it's not different if you get nothing out of it. All his department mates are fed up of his irritating behavior but nobody has guts to utter even a single word. He believes in wearing only two dresses throughout his life. Despite all his brutal assaults, it is his paper leaking skill with subsequent sample answers that makes him so much famous among all.
Some say he is a demon, some say he is a coconut with very tough outer surface and some say he is an unbearable pain. But has anybody ever tried to look inside his head. They just complain that he bores them for long hours but nobody notices that during that hours he speaks continuously even without a brake. Nor does he even sit for a while. They never see what a great risk he takes for his students. He cares more than you for your degree. Nobody is ever failed or detained in his subject. He wants you to be with him for long hours solely because he is sick of his loneliness. He is an unmarried guy and to fight this pain which haunts him throughout his life he has disguised the cover of an angry humiliating beast. He sees his unborn children in his students. He loves you. He cares for you. He fights for you against all odds. What if he is a little strange? What if he is a little irritating? Who cares?
Monday, September 15, 2008
Forgiveness Asking Day
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Linguistic affinity
Imagine urself stuck in a place where your understanding abilities are challenged and u always gets defeated again and again, where your participating desires are suppressed and though being outgoing in nature you cant speak up and when you are forced to act like dumb .
In our motherland of diversities this is commonplace. I often get stuck in between two Marathi speaking friends and damn my luck…I am forced to be a mute spectator..i wonder sometimes ,are they abusing me . ..what the hell are they talking about …its not only with marathi …Gujrati and south Indian languages also supersede hindi.
You feel like banging ur head to the wall…Few months back I was in Canada ..and in office I got a seat in the cube with other three corners occupied by ladies…ohh …that was obviously not the problem…
But the problem was that they were Israelis and once they start talking in “Hebrew” ..there was no stopping ..i could just hear one thing …blah blah and blah … offences…..
Even In office when there is discussion over technical issues…marathi people switch to marathi so easily….to add to my woes I can still hear Marathi discussions going on in background…..
MNS is trying to replace every signboard in Maharashtra to display in marathi language. The only advantage I can see from this is that we will be forced to learn a new language and it will add to our resume .Though eventually it wont impact any thing at all.
There are no offences towards any language ,but just the trauma of a person knowing only a single language(apart from English)—HINDI
Toda(Thanks in Hebrew)
P.s. shalom in starting is the way to say hello in Hebrew…….
Monday, September 8, 2008
Lift Dilemma
Lets start from the time we enter in the lift..Here person applies umpteen efforts to find a wall to lean on..he will go straight or to either leftmost or rightmost corner of elevator..Standing in between and being monitored by others is the least thing one wants while in lift …
So if he is lucky he gets that coveted comfort corner in lift. Now starts the eternal wait for destined floor. Now there is a programmed mind which runs in a loop during which one looks up to the panel which indicates the floor status…and then again looks somewhere else. It seems as if one is learning the counting numbers or for that matter checking that lift is doing it correctly..
A common Mistake…
This mistake would have been committed by everyone at least once… Dropping out to the floor where u didn’t wished to and then being reminded by friends accompanying that this is not our ‘s and the laughter that is bound to follow..You can’t do anything but sheepishly smile J
There are times when you are stuck with only one person of opposite sex in the lift…..With this I stop over here….. J
Title scarcity
Here I am talking about the creativity and innovation in choosing the title of the movie.It seems there are not enough choices available.
Say for example ...we already have movies named after 3 days of weeks (Sunday ,Wednesday and Black Friday)Other directors should catch on their feet before all days of week are snatched..:) Lest you will have to rely on months of year...There too they can have tough time ..we have 11 remaining as December is the only month chosen so far by the directors.
Even, directors arent ashamed of repeating the titles..They think by adding some extra redundant charaters to the tiltle they are adding colors to the old name ..
Karzzzz...for matter how many of those z's you add it will be called as copy and nothing else.Ckkompany...i dont know what is being tried here....when u have such a hard time in pronouncing a movie properly, who will take pains to watch such a god damn movie...
If everything else is used up then directors use their trump card ..the word "Mumbai" .They have all kinds of words appended or prefixed to this golden word..Bombay ,Mumbai salsa ,Mumbui Matinee,Mumbai Meri Jaan...and many more...
I think now time has come for bolly directors to give an emphasis on title also.Many a time the decision to watch a movie is turned negative after just hearing the title itself ..Just to change sholay to aag(which itself is a name of an old movie) wont result in fireworks at Box Office.